Intern Update: Connor's Week 12
Having the opportunity to spend my final summer internship working for a seed company with such strong roots in the Western Corn Belt has truly been amazing. Growing up in Central, Illinois I had never heard of the Hoegemeyer brand. That all changed when I came to Iowa State University and started to notice the diamond field signs and giant Master Plot signs all along the highways.
As the summer comes to a close all I can do is reflect back upon all the amazing opportunities I have been fortunate enough to have during my time as an Eastern Region Hoegemeyer Sales Intern. I have been given the opportunity to get a first-hand look at what exactly needs to be done to better help Hoegemeyer growers succeed in the field. From the seed getting delivered to the farm, to planting the plots that showcase the hybrids that strive in the western corn belt, I have been able to see it all.
Working with the eight district sales managers and numerous dealers in the eastern region has really allowed me to experience and be a part of an amazing work culture every day. One thing that comes to mind when I think about the great culture at Hoegemeyer is the Sales Kickoff meeting and the Tier 1 Dealer meeting. These two events truly showed how much everyone appreciates all that Hoegemeyer has to offer and the trust that Hoegemeyer holds in the Western Corn Belt. The saying, “Raised Local. Raised Right Here.”, can not be showcased any better than with the Hoegemeyer seed brand. I am very thankful to say that I am an intern for such a great company and will forever remember the great experiences that I had and continue to have at Hoegemeyer.