Read the latest news, insights and growing tips from Hoegemeyer.
We’re proud to announce the Hoegemeyer 2020 Big Hitter Sales Award dealer recipients. The Big Hitter Sales Award is given annually to recognize Hoegemeyer seed dealers who demonstrate sales growth, promote brand awareness and champion customer service and success.
Read$4.00 corn is something farmers love to say. Currently the new crop corn market (at the time this article was written) is well over $4.00/bushel. The corn market hasn’t been this high since the fall of 2013, that’s eight years! With the outlook of strong grain prices, let’s look at one way to potentially increase your yields and profits for 2021.
ReadIt’s that time of year again when producers are putting together their crop plans for the 2021 growing season. With the recent blast of cold weather, it feels like planting is far away, but, in fact, April 1 is only six weeks away. If you haven’t made decisions as to what crop to plant on every acre yet, here are seven tips that can help if you decide to grow corn on corn in the 2021 growing season.
ReadTechnology is changing todays planters faster than any other implement in farming. But why shouldn’t it be? The planter is the most important piece of equipment in your lineup! Technology that you can put onto your planter today will help you place seed more accurately, more efficiently and faster than ever before.
ReadMany producers across the Midwest are either purchasing or have purchased their seed come January, and choosing a soybean variety is something on many producers minds. The four soybean traits available from Hoegemeyer in 2021 are: Enlist E3, Roundup Ready 2 Xtend, LibertyLink, and Roundup Ready soybeans.
ReadCorn rootworm is one of the pests that can cause significant yield loss for producers across the Hoegemeyer footprint. Read about the conditions that cause large rootworm populations and management recommendations for next season.
ReadFollow these four steps to make the right choice and get the right seed for your farm.
ReadHarvest is off to an early start here in Nebraska with the majority of soybeans combined and most producers at least started on corn. Let's take a look at some key Hoegemeyer products that are yielding well in our Western footprint.