Intern Update: Trisha's Week 4
As I traveled across Nebraska this past week with agronomists, Phil Swantek and Craig Langemeier, I was able to view Hoegemeyer through a different lens. It was a hard week for many farmers with the hail storm that came through the area. It was devastating to see fields heavily damaged from the hail.
While being with the agronomists, I was able to learn more about the crops and how they will be able to either grow out of the damage or in some cases, need to be replanted. When we went out to the fields with the customers, they tried to be in good spirits even though it was difficult to look at some of the fields. With Phil and Craig informing the customers about what may come in the future, they were able to make a plan for what the next steps may be for the rest of the session.
Even the customers who have been farming for years said “I’m learning so much. Since we haven’t had a hail storm like this in years.”
The Hoegemeyer internship program allows students studying in surrounding universities truly understand the seed business through experiences and work. Our two interns this summer have been hard at work while spending time with District Sales Managers, their region's Agronomists, and their supervisors, the Sales Team Leaders. We allow interns to experience true and authentic scenarios that allow them to better understand the critical situations that arise in the high-stakes industry of farming. Though we would never wish poor weather upon any of our growers, we value the experience that interns gain by encountering these situations in real life.

Photo Courtesy to 2022 Sales and Marketing Intern, Trisha Dybdal