Read the latest news, insights and growing tips from Hoegemeyer.
Let the following items be a way to be certain in your bean decisions when taking in account risk management.
ReadCrop water usage is a topic on the mind of many producers in the western corn belt this year.
ReadSulfur is a vital nutrient for high-yielding crops. I call it the fourth major element. To understand why sulfur is needed in a top-dress/side-dress application.
ReadOne of the biggest changes to the in-crop dicamba herbicide labels involves downwind buffers. In comparison to Enlist™ herbicides, in-crop dicamba herbicides have always required larger buffers, but the new labels increase these and impose new restrictions for endangered species areas.
ReadWith planting well underway, you may have questions about the recent changes in the in-crop dicamba herbicide labels. Here are some of the high points to note, including how these changes compare to EnlistTM herbicides
ReadThe 2021 planting season is quickly coming to an end, that means it’s time to start scouting the young emerging crop. Below are some tips and things to look for while you are out scouting your fields the next few weeks.
ReadWhen nematodes infest a field, they can do extensive damage to the roots and, by season’s end, to yield. Due to their small size and patchy distribution pattern, nematodes are often overlooked for the yield-impacting problem they are.
ReadWhen talking soybeans, all the attention recently seems to fall on the latest weed control technologies like Enlist E3® soybeans. However, even the best-yielding varieties with the newest traits can be compromised when phytophthora is present.